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2009年和2014年印度大选数据 Others Classification
1.31M 644
迷你项目 1 数据 Others Classification
0.05M 292
纽约老鼠景观,纽约周围约102k次观测 Rats in New York City are prevalent, as in many densely populated areas. For a long time, the exact number of rats in Ne...Arts and Entertainment,News,Government,Animals Classification
52.34M 495
英国致命交通事故 (2015) The dataset is taken from and contains all traffic-related deaths in the UK in 2015....Vehicle Classification
18.34M 395
萨莱尔 2015 Finance Classification
0.02M 606
开放食品产品及其标签的图片,来自150个国家的60多万个产品 The dataset contains a single table, FoodFacts, in CSV form in FoodFacts.csv and in SQLite form in database.sqlite.The c...Earth and Nature,Alcohol,Nutrition Classification
963.46M 375
英国160万起交通事故,可视化和分析交通统计数据 The UK government amassed traffic data from 2000 and 2016, recording over 1.6 million accidents in the process and makin...Social Science,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
621.26M 448
Word Embedings for naaclmetaphor2541 Others Classification
892.43M 301
2013-2018年巴西ICD医院发病率 Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0M 237
违规行为2011 2018 #数据集此数据集由Smith99#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Others Classification
23M 613
赫巴 201 Others Classification
223.38M 257
伊博维斯帕:蓬图阿#xE7;#xE3;o de 1968 a 2018 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Economics,Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
0.37M 284
19-35个月儿童的疫苗接种覆盖率 Health,Socrata,Public Safety,Public Health Classification
0.11M 369
NSE 上市 1000+公司与#x27;历史数据 Business,Finance,Investing,Deep Learning,Artificial Intelligence Classification
67.04M 288
LANL 功能-198 Others Classification
19.14M 297
梦幻英超 (FPL) 2018-2019 Business,Computer Science,Sports Classification
0.42M 323
0.09M 297
NIPS 2017年:对抗性学习发展集 Computer Science,Sports,Artificial Intelligence,Martial Arts Classification
146.24M 278
汽车品牌(1970-2016) 您可以在该数据库中找到1970年至2016年间几乎所有汽车制造商的品牌、型号和版本信息。...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.65M 378
ACB 1994-2016 西班牙篮球联赛结果 Games,Basketball Classification
23.93M 342