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222.54M 357
1000 个摄像机数据集,描述13处房产中1000个摄像头的数据 Some camera enthusiast went and described 1,000 cameras based on 13 properties!ContentRow one describes the datatype for...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Electronics Classification
0.08M 418
Beat The Bookie:赔率系列足球数据集,+500,000 场比赛,来自 1,005 个联赛的 32 个博彩公司的 11 年赔率数据集 The online sports gambling industry employs teams of data analysts to build forecast models that turn the odds at sports...Sports,Football,Gambling Classification
84.34M 576
泰坦尼克号1.CSV Internet Classification
0M 665
项目 1 的数据 Business Classification
0M 321
SF 住房余额 2016 年 3 月 Socrata,Social Issues and Advocacy,Housing Classification
1.01M 297
洛杉矶 311 呼叫中心跟踪数据 Business,Internet,Socrata Classification
387.57M 309
画家训练第 1 部分 Arts and Entertainment Classification
12869.4M 296
enpe2013 var Others Classification
0.01M 207
enpe2013 Others Classification
23.75M 301
VGG16 预训练数据(Weight值) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Kumar AbhijeetReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the...Exercise Classification
527.84M 392
GD 列车 2 r1 标签 Others Classification
1810.72M 297
英国道路交通事故 2005 2016 Transportation,Law,Government Classification
623.3M 303
卡格尔调查 2017 Computer Science,Education Classification
3.52M 290
深度学习 11 框架 Computer Science,Education,Programming Classification
0M 608
数据集B 20180919 Others Classification
135.25M 273
埃纳德 2018 Business,Computer Science,Education,Brazil Classification
0.05M 310
折叠-1 型号 Others Classification
10.84M 267
2016年高级入学考试成绩 Education,Social Science,Standardized Testing Classification
0.02M 331
行政命令,1789-2016 Business,Politics,Government,History Classification
0M 288