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SIFT10M数据集,已用于评估近似近邻搜索方法 Xiping Fu, Brendan McCane, Steven Mills, Michael Albert and Lech SzymanskiDepartment of Computer Science, University of...Computer Causal-Discovery
7.3G 849
航天飞机着陆控制数据集 Original source: unknownNASA: Mr. Roger Burke's autolander design teamDonor: Bojan CestnikJozef Stefan InstituteJamo...Physical Classification
1K 945
肩部植入物X射线制造商分类数据集 Kazunori Okada, kazokada '@', BIDAL: Biomedical Image and Data Analyses Lab, Department of Computer Sci...Life Classification
6M 888
Shill投标数据集数据集 Ahmad Alzahrani and Samira Sadaouialzah234 '@' and sadaouis '@' uregina.caDepartment of Compu...Computer Classification
537K 840
伺服系统模拟数据集,包括伺服放大器、电机、丝杠/螺母和某种滑动托架 Creator:Karl Ulrich (MIT)Donor: Ross QuinlanData Set Information:Ross Quinlan:This data was given to me by Karl Ulrich a...Computer Regression
2.39K 1018
首尔自行车共享需求数据集 Data Source : KOREA PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. URL: publicholidays.go.krData Set Information:Currentl...Computer Regression
590K 950
情绪标记句子数据集 Dimitrios Kotzias dkotzias '@' ics.uci.eduData Set Information:This dataset was created for the Paper 'From...N/A Classification
82.2K 1047
句子分类数据集 America Chambers, ahollowa '@', University of California, IrvineData Set Information:Please see the...N/A Classification
2.9M 828
基本手部运动数据集,收集的肌肉激活的信息数据 Christos Sapsanis (csapsanis @ and Anthony TzesANeMoS LabSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUnivers...Life Classification
26.9M 856
Semeion手写数字数据集 The dataset was created by Tactile Srl, Brescia, Italy ( and donated in 1994 to Semeion Research C...Computer Classification
2.8M 1494
SCADI数据集 自我护理问题分类的数据集 --Creators: S.M.M. Fatemi Bushehri, Moslem Dehghanizadeh, Shokoofeh Kalantar, Mohsen Sardari Zarchi * S.M.M. Fatemi Bush...Life Classification
4.8K 1122
销售\交易\数据集\每周数据集 James Tan, jamestansc '@', Singapore University of Social SciencesData Set Information:52 columns fo...N/A Clustering
310K 857
机器人执行失败数据集 Original Owner and Donor:Luis Seabra Lopes and Luis M. Camarinha-MatosUniversidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, Po...Physical Classification
56.2K 798
水稻叶片病害数据集 Jitesh P. Shah, Email: jitesh2k12 '@', Institute: Department of Information Technology, Dharmsinh Desa...Computer Classification
36.7M 1793
土耳其种植的认证水稻 Osmancik品种和Cammeo品种数据集 Ilkay CINARGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Selcuk University, TURKEY,ORCID ID : 0000-0003-0611-3316lkay...Computer Classification
0M 1004
RCV1的子集数据集 该语料库已经用于作者识别实验 Dataset creator and donator: ZhiLiu, e-mail: liuzhi8673 '@', institution: National Engineering Researc...Computer Classification
7.8M 916
路透社21578文本分类收集数据集 David D. LewisATT Labs - Research lewis '@' research.att.comdocuments came from Reuters newswire in 1987.Data Se...Agriculture Classification
7.8M 2895
路透社RCV1 RCV2多语言、多视图文本分类测试收集数据集 Massih-Reza AminiUniversit?? Joseph FourierLaboratoire d'Informatique de GrenobleEmail : Massih-Reza.Amini '@...Life Classification
159M 1031
重复消耗矩阵数据集(包含用户消费的次数和物品) Dimitrios Kotzias, dkotzias '@', University of California IrvineData Set Information:There are 7 dat...Computer Clustering
53.5M 797
53500张CT图像中获取的患者数据集(43名男性31名女性) F. Graf, H.-P. Kriegel, M. Schubert, S. Poelsterl, A. CavallaroLudwig-Maximilians-Universit?¤t MunichDatabase Systems G...Computer Regression
17M 1135