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超导数据集 Kam Ham idieh, khamidieh '@', University of Pennsylvania, StatisticsData Set Information:There are two...Physical Regression
7.9M 1102
学生贷款关系数据集 Donor: Michael J. Pazzani University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA USAData Set Information:The predicate no_payment_du...Social N/A
14K 845
石器形状数据集 用于研究人类文明技术进步 Owner: Thomas WeberLandesamt f??r Denkmalpflege und Arch?¤ologie Sachsen-AnhaltRichard-Wagner-Str. 906114 Halle/Germany...N/A Classification
3.4K 933
股票投资组合绩效数据集 Name: I-Cheng Yehemail addresses: (1) 140910 '@' (2) icyeh '@' institutions:...Business Regression
69.6K 1374
Statlog项目数据集 Various Databases: Vehicle silhouttes, Landsat Sattelite, Shuttle, Australian Credit Approval, Heart Disease, Image Segmentation, German Credit...N/A N/A
0M 825
Statlog(航天飞机)数据集 飞机数据集 Data Set Information:大约80%的数据属于类别1。因此,默认精度约为80%。这里的目标是获得99-99.9%的准确度。原始数据集中的示例...Physical Classification
411K 2282
Statlog(陆地卫星)数据集 Ashwin Srinivasan Department of Statistics and Data Modeling University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland UK ross '@&#...Physical Classification
91.3K 1072
Statlog(心脏)数据集 N/AData Set Information:Cost Matrix_______ abse presabsence 01presence 50where the rows represent the true values a...Life Classification
3K 840
体育用品客观性分析数据集 Yara Rizk, American University of Beirut (yar01 '@' Awad, American University of Beirut (mar...Social Classification
2.1M 868
大西洋-地中海海绵体,海绵数据集 Creators: Iosune Uriz and Marta DomingoCentre d'Estudis Abanc{c}ats de Blanes (CSIC)Cami de Santa Barbara. Blanes (G...Life Clustering
7K 817
SPECT心脏数据集,267个SPE CT图像集(患者)的数据库 Data Set Information:数据集描述了心脏单质子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)图像的诊断。每个患者分为两类:正常和异常。对267个S...Life Classification
27K 2151
说话人口音识别数据集 Ernest FokoueSchool of Mathematical SciencesRochester Institute of TechnologyRochester, NY 14623, USAepfeqa '@'...Social Classification
602K 799
大豆(小型)数据集 Origin:Michalski,R.S. Learning by being told and learning from examples: an experimental comparison of the two methodes...Life Classification
0M 1220
南德信贷数据集 Ulrike Gr?mpingBeuth University of Applied Sciences BerlinWebsite with contact information: https://prof.beuth-hochschul...Business Classification
12.8K 980
萨默维尔幸福调查数据集 Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, wkoczkodaj@gmail, independent researcher.Data Set Information:It is a case of supervised learning...Life Classification
4.2K 884
SMS垃圾邮件收集数据集 Tiago A. Almeida (talmeidaData Set Information:This corpus has been collected from free or free for research sources at...Computer Classification
199K 1243
SML2010数据集 温度、湿度、天气(包含风、雨等) Dr. Francisco Zamora-Martinez, Pablo Romeu-Guallart, Dr. Juan Pardo.francisco.zamora '@' uch.ceu.esEmbedded Syst...Computer Regression
202K 1074
环境辅助生活(AAL)数据集中用于人类活动识别(HAR)的智能手机数据集 -- Creators: Kadian Alicia Davis (1), Evans Boateng Owusu (2) 1 -- Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunicati...Computer Classification
15.41M 826
皮肤分割数据集 Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT Delhi.Data Set Information:The skin dataset is collec...Computer Classification
3.24M 1212
模拟瀑布和日常生活活动数据集 Ahmet Turan ?–zdemirPhone: +90 352 207 6666 (int 32233)Addr: Erciyes University, Electrical and Electronic Department,...Life Classification
1.2G 761