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历史产品需求 Business,Earth and Nature,Finance Classification
48.88M 585
包含 5000 张电影海报的 IMDB 数据集 #数据集此数据集由Nazima#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
551K 488
查看太阳能火焰 Business,Earth and Nature,Astronomy,Renewable Energy,Physics Classification
1.52M 301
Linux 内核邮件列表存档 Earth and Nature,Linguistics,Languages Classification
235.64M 214
电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
8.09M 484
电影伦斯数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
2.67M 249
波普拉#xE7;#xE3;o por raça e cor do ano 2010 没有巴西 Arts and Entertainment,Travel,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.01M 228
JPLM 数据集分类 Earth and Nature Classification
286.55M 396
情绪与#x2B;推特 Arts and Entertainment Classification
3.78M 232
简单分子几何特征 Earth and Nature,Chemistry Classification
682.06M 219
开始微调 Rrc 到 nrrc 1ch Arts and Entertainment Classification
469.84M 219
矩阵 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.8M 677
数据分析挑战:对新闻文章进行分类 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
5769.97M 515
斯姆内特 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Social Science,Games,Video Games Classification
472.28M 613
AISegment.com马廷人类数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data Classification
14769.9M 278
动物园动物分类 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Animals Classification
0.01M 254
协作筛选器的数据集 Earth and Nature,Music Classification
29.8M 260
神奇宝贝月亮奇迹贸易信息学 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.03M 266
唐纳德·特朗普推文 Arts and Entertainment,Social Networks Classification
4.85M 237
UjiIndoorLoc:室内本地化数据集 Earth and Nature,Geography Classification
43.02M 950