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iMet模型 Clothing and Accessories Classification
492.79M 337
SVHN数据集,以最高性能解决SVHN问题 SVHN数据集,以最高性能解决SVHN问题...Earth and Nature Classification
1.5G 749
1910-2017年的地震,土耳其@alpkoc 我从@alpkoc 上收集数据,并在简历中修正了一些地区,比如错误的国家名称和错误的数字格式,以下是原始数据所有者的解释: * * 背...Earth Science,Geology,Geography Classification
497K 465
法国博物馆收藏 Arts and Entertainment,Art,Museums Classification
321.06M 374
Amazigh手写字符数据库(AMHCD) Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
33.05M 432
泰坦尼克号概率数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 453
奥苏!标准排名 Arts and Entertainment,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.01M 358
电子显微镜三维分割,EPFL CVLab 数据集 The dataset available for download on this webpage represents a 5x5x5µm section taken from the CA1 hippocampus region o...Earth and Nature,Neuroscience Classification
495.6M 574
自用 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.94M 339
高温合金 Arts and Entertainment,Chemistry Classification
0M 357
软件体系结构样式 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Software,Programming,Art,Architecture Classification
0.17M 354
口袋妖怪图像数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Video Games,Deep Learning,Anime and Manga,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.41M 513
石头布剪刀图片,剪刀石头布游戏中的图像 该数据集包含来自 Rock-Paper-Scissors 游戏的手势图像。...Classification,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Games,PCA Classification
312.6M 389
python练习第2天 Earth and Nature,Programming Classification
0.01M 366
单身选手 Arts and Entertainment,Popular Culture Classification
0.03M 343
电影用户对电影的评分数据集 What's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make it easy for others to get started by describing how you acqui...Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
3.8M 836
豆瓣电影短评论数据集 IntroductionDouban Movie is a Chinese website that allows Internet users to share their comments and viewpoints about mo...Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows Classification
386.82M 754
2017年IMDB电影 Movies and TV Shows Classification
23.07M 335
现代艺术收藏馆 Art,Museums Classification
33.21M 365
Cat图像测试 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.18M 615