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QMNIST The exact preprocessing steps used to construct the MNIST datasethave long been lost. This leaves us with no reliable wa...MNIST Classification
20.34M 918
Fashion-MNIST Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando's article images—consisting of a training set of60,000 examples and a test se...MNIST,Fashion Classification
29.45M 669
MultiMNIST The MultiMNIST training and test dataset is generated by overlaying a digit on top of another digitfrom the same set (tr...MNIST Classification
43.31M 660
Kannada-MNIST Here, we disseminate a new handwritten digits-dataset, termed Kannada-MNIST, for the Kannadascript, that can potentially...MNIST Classification
64.19M 496
MNIST The MNIST database of handwritten digits, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a testset of 10,000 examples. It is...MNIST Classification
11.06M 429
用户分析和滥用语言检测数据集数据集 Abubakar Umar, abubakar.pg715673 '@', Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria,Data Se...Computer Classification
3.2M 576
UJI笔字符(第2版)数据集 F. Prat(*), M. J. Castro(+), D. Llorens(*), A. Marzal(*), and J. M. Vilar(*)* Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Infor...Computer Classification
2.03M 640
TTC-3600:土耳其文本分类数据集的基准数据集 Assist.Prof.Dr. Deniz KILIN??, Faculty of Technology, Celal Bayar University, Turkeydrdenizkilinc'@'gmail.comDat...Computer Classification
2.5M 736
出租车服务轨迹-预测挑战,ECMLPKDD2015数据集 Challenge Chair: Luis Moreira-MatiasSteering Committee: - Michel Ferreira - Joao Mendes-Moreiratst.challenge '@'...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
509M 597
谷歌中欧洲24个类别的景点进行评论数据集 Shini Renjith, shinirenjith '@' gmail.comData Set Information:This data set is populated by capturing user ratin...N/A Classification
622K 683
首尔行车共享需求数据集 Data Source : KOREA PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. URL: publicholidays.go.krData Set Information:Currentl...Computer Regression
590K 701
句子分类数据集 America Chambers, ahollowa '@', University of California, IrvineData Set Information:Please see the...N/A Classification
2.9M 585
Semeion手写数字数据集 The dataset was created by Tactile Srl, Brescia, Italy ( and donated in 1994 to Semeion Research C...Computer Classification
2.8M 1036
SCADI数据集 我护理问题分类的数据集 --Creators: S.M.M. Fatemi Bushehri, Moslem Dehghanizadeh, Shokoofeh Kalantar, Mohsen Sardari Zarchi * S.M.M. Fatemi Bush...Life Classification
4.8K 798
路透社21578文本分类收集数据集 David D. LewisATT Labs - Research lewis '@' research.att.comdocuments came from Reuters newswire in 1987.Data Se...Agriculture Classification
7.8M 2438
手写数字数据集的笔式识别 Data Set Information:我们从44位作者那里收集了250个样本,创建了一个数字数据库。由30位作者编写的样本用于培训、交叉验证和作...NLP Classification
1.58M 636
54个不同的文档分类数据集 Data Set Information:The 5473 examples comes from 54 distinct documents. Each observation concerns one block. All attrib...Computer Classification
103K 508
NYSK数据集,用于文本挖掘任务中的主题提取、情绪分析 Data Set Information:Documents are first obtained via a Web search using AMIEI: an integrated platform for delivering en...NLP,Social Clustering
17.5M 474
荷兰实用地图集合中提取的手写数字(`0'--`9')的特征数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集包含从荷兰实用地图集合中提取的手写数字(`0'--`9')的特征。每类200个图案(总共2000个...Computer Classification
4.93M 844
手部由运动数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset (movement_libras) contains 15 classes of 24 instances each, where each class refer...Physical Classification
149K 483