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ACL论文选集,论文数据来ACL选集 The Accepted paper's data from ACL Anthology. An abstract of a paper is extracted from arXiv if it exists.The data i...NLP,Education,Literature Classification
1.14M 225
电子邮件垃圾邮件 ContextSome emails from [Spam Assassin][1] to create models that can differentiate between spam and ham (non - spam) ema...NLP,Classification,Software,Email and Messaging Classification
12.08M 237
curationCorpus 策展语料库 策展语料库汇集了 40,000 篇专业撰写的新闻文章摘要,并附有文章本身的链接。这个存储库提供了一个抓取工具来访问它们。如果您对...NLP Text
123.13M 419
ScanRefer数据:使用然语言在RGB-D扫描中进行3D对象定位 IntroductionWe introduce the task of 3D object localization in RGB-D scans using natural language descriptions.As input,...Others Classification
58.59M 523
阿拉伯手写数字 Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...OCR/Text Detection Text
0M 431
MJSynth Synthetic Word Dataset 合成词数据集 This is synthetically generated dataset which we found sufficient for training text recognitionon real-world imagesThis...NLP Classification
9.95G 1444
ICDAR 2013 数据集 1 150 images written in Greek and English language as well as 50 images written inIndian Bangla language.2 BlackWhite ha...NLP Text
172.61M 1304