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旧金山的案例数据 311 Crime Classification
636.07M 292
巴西汽车保险市场 Automobiles and Vehicles,Government,Insurance Classification
1.77M 293
环法行车赛平均速度, 1903 - 2018 Exercise,Sports,History,Cycling Classification
0M 308
汽车模型的数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
43.49M 261
Ga 演示的报告 Others Classification
0.79M 226
350 000+来 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
192.15M 246
然语言处理中的情感分析 #数据集此数据集由NowYSM在Database:Open Database,Contents:Database Contents#Contents下创建。它包含以下文件:...NLP,Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.52M 315
五三八酒精消费数据集,探索来FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 407
开放食品产品及其标签的图片,来150个国家的60多万个产品 The dataset contains a single table, FoodFacts, in CSV form in FoodFacts.csv and in SQLite form in database.sqlite.The c...Earth and Nature,Alcohol,Nutrition Classification
963.46M 285
汽车品牌(1970-2016) 您可以在该数据库中找到1970年至2016年间几乎所有汽车制造商的品牌、型号和版本信息。...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.65M 277
0M 387
杀率概览 1985 至 2016 News,Economics,Demographics Classification
2.58M 552
俄罗斯电报聊天记录,公开俄罗斯电报聊天中解析的数据 Russian Telegram chats history Data parsed from must popular public Russian Telegram chats...NLP,Text Data,Russia Classification
11.08G 316
花旗行车数据集 2017 Others Classification
116.68M 285
2017年联合国人非特派团及其组成部分 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.04M 288 : 行车相关报告事件 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Cycling Classification
11.62M 289
渥太华行车柜台 Retail and Shopping,Automobiles and Vehicles,Cycling,North America Classification
1.68M 218
斯坦福汽车数据集,车辆检测到的斯坦福汽车数据类 his dataset was derived from the original Stanford Cars Dataset, which can be downloaded here: Data,CNN,Neural Networks,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.31G 487
由声音的加密 Clothing and Accessories Classification
0.58M 201
1985汽车数据集 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Transportation Classification
0.06M 538