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汽车数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0M 348
预测性维护飞机数据 #数据集此数据集由turnmah#内容创建。它包含以下文件:...Automobiles and Vehicles,Transportation,LSTM Classification
1.32M 678
汽车噪音规格 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.45M 206
销售量化 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0M 240
五十个州汽车牌照数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Deep Learning,Computer Vision Classification
0.73M 244
车辆贷款违约预测- L&T 数据科学 Finhack #数据集此数据集由Sneha Shinde#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Business,Logistic Regression,Automobiles and Vehicles,Banking,Lending Classification
11.5M 526
汽车 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.42M 218
福特gobike 2019年2月tripdata Automobiles and Vehicles,Data Visualization Classification
37.6M 695
车辆燃油经济性估计, 1984 2017 #内容EPA燃油经济性评估的目的是为比较车辆提供可靠的依据。数据库中的大多数车辆(除插电式混合动力车外)都有三种燃油经济性估...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.1M 359
斯坦福开放警务项目俄亥俄州 Automobiles and Vehicles,Sports,Law,Crime,Public Safety Classification
988.46M 192
斯坦福开放警务项目佛罗里达州 Automobiles and Vehicles,Sports,Law,Crime,Public Safety Classification
1007.52M 221
斯坦福开放警务项目伊利诺伊州 Automobiles and Vehicles,Sports,Law,Crime,Public Safety Classification
1016.76M 222
斯坦福开放警务项目南卡罗来纳州 Automobiles and Vehicles,Sports,Law,Crime Classification
1631.62M 223
斯坦福开放警务项目加州 Automobiles and Vehicles,Sports,Law,Crime,Public Safety Classification
2378.36M 212
KITTI 对象检测 Computer Science,Education,Programming,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
11989M 216
联阵 2017 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 219
L&T 车辆贷款违约预测 Finance,Automobiles and Vehicles,Banking Classification
58.85M 267
火车组 : 自驾汽车 Automobiles and Vehicles,Travel,Deep Learning,CNN Classification
2221M 185
Те#x441;#x442;2 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0M 206
纽约警局汽车碰撞 Automobiles and Vehicles,Public Safety Classification
293.18M 220