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卡格尔优先 Computer Science Classification
0.01M 617
atm数据2 Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
0.14M 655
练习4 python Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.01M 371
试验推土 Others Classification
0.02M 405
使用最快路线的估计速度 Internet,Software,Travel Classification
106.21M 697
历史伦敦金银每日固定价格 Internet,Software,Investing Classification
0.03M 760
用于姿态重建的定位数据,五个人佩戴定位标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 486
传奇邦邦 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 316
可视化关系检测数据集 Computer Science,Programming Classification
42.09M 480
英特尔ML 501数据 Computer Science Classification
69.25M 304
密数据 Others Classification
0.19M 365
通知列表数据集 Computer Science,Education,Software Classification
8.07M 771
YCOE语料库 Computer Science Classification
0M 299
韦伯内特 Computer Science Classification
2.36M 302
Unicode示例 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0M 287
UDHR语料库 Computer Science,Human Rights Classification
8.53M 676
Twitter示例 Computer Science,Email and Messaging Classification
116.68M 516
厨房数据集 Computer Science Classification
0M 403
PE08帕塞瓦尔 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.28M 324
范式 Computer Science Classification
0.34M 285