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初学者项目-筷子的人工程学研究 Earth and Nature,Education,Public Safety Classification
0M 793
NFL的统计数据 Computer Science,Programming,Sports Classification
93.36M 793
超感觉的数据集 Computer Science,Social Science,Psychology Classification
23.69M 425
CSE 5523器学习调色板分类器 Computer Science Classification
1607.01M 401
支持向量的图像训练 Arts and Entertainment Classification
87.55M 775
数据集HR结构化三元 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.4M 532
深度学习框架得分更新 Computer Science,Education Classification
0M 638
pretrainedmodels-python Computer Science Classification
0.06M 420
OFLC H-1B项目数据(2011-2018) Government Classification
870.6M 410
的评论 Others Classification
8.22M 454
CMS NSC重新确认信已寄出 Software,Socrata Classification
2.28M 381
风力涡轮Scada数据集 在风力涡轮机中,Scada 系统每隔10分钟测量并保存风速、风向、发电量等数据。这个文件是从一个风力涡轮机的 scada 系统,是在土...Business,Environment,Energy,Environment,Renewable Energy,Engineering Classification
3.79M 732
资料 Others Classification
0.08M 491
一个瑞典手写数字数据集 Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision Classification
0.34M 493
数据集用于NBV问题 Computer Science,Biology,Image Data,Classification,Deep Learning Classification
3363.85M 446
Dmoztools分类数据, 包含艺术、商业、计算、游戏、健康、科学购物、社会等 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Patanjali ChintalapatiReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt c...NLP,Text Mining,Websites Classification
279.6M 531
JRC表土有碳(MAPPE模型) Earth and Nature,Europe Classification
224.21M 388
苦行僧 Computer Science,Image Data,Classification,Literature,Multiclass Classification,Culture and Humanities,Japan Classification
423.21M 788
SF说客培训文件证书 Socrata,Government Classification
0.02M 759
栈溢出 Computer Science Classification
1557.95M 789