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按小需求出租自行车 Retail and Shopping,Travel,Cycling Classification
0.94M 302
王氏数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
28.46M 218
纽约多机构许可证 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Government Classification
1106.39M 193
Others Classification
6510.52M 278
机器学习在行动 Earth and Nature Classification
0.07M 203
AI训练舞蹈剪影 Arts and Entertainment,Dance Classification
442.88M 491
UNGA/U流程 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming Classification
542.91M 488
金属和流行音乐 Others Classification
3.29M 277
运动鞋 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Deep Learning Classification
0.2M 424
随机擦除图片 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities Classification
0.64M 238
预处理的Mel谱图数据集 Earth and Nature,Music,Audio Data Classification
9060.05M 204
作为泡菜的LANL培训 Education,Earth Science Classification
3600M 185
推特、电影/书评的综合数据集。 Movies and TV Shows Classification
129.71M 234
恶意软件间戳2 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.02M 484
恶意软件间戳 Computer Science,Programming Classification
1.73M 538
粉丝小说.net Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Literature Classification
691.41M 453
设备启动OCs Internet,Standardized Testing,Art Classification
29.09M 221
电影评论,源自 IMDB 的大型电影评论数据集 电影评论,源自 IMDB 的大型电影评论数据集...Movies and TV Shows Classification
62.9M 372
心率和呼吸数据 Heart Conditions Classification
7.34M 293
卡萨斯布 Arts and Entertainment,Demographics Classification
4.26M 244