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电影和电影剧本 Movies and TV Shows,Celebrities Classification
148.14M 467
12306数据集 Earth and Nature,Image Data Classification
295.34M 224
机器学习 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
4.66M 453
预测热负荷 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0M 209
QC测试 Earth and Nature Classification
8.24M 202
文摘的自然语言处理 Earth and Nature Classification
12.88M 207
预测疫苗间表 Public Safety,Public Health Classification
1372.54M 638
UFC战斗数据 Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Games,Martial Arts Classification
3.89M 524
埃德蒙顿市数据集 Earth and Nature,Crime Classification
4M 539
15场景数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
82.34M 218
地震 Earth Science,Geology Classification
608.09M 227
浏览器历史记录 Earth and Nature,Internet,Websites Classification
1.37M 292
舞者综合动态网络 Business,Arts and Entertainment Classification
41.8M 303
电影u元数据 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.43M 223
模糊间序列 Earth and Nature Classification
0.03M 210
虹膜模型 Clothing and Accessories Classification
0M 497
艺术运动 Art Classification
368.24M 246
电影和电视 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1893.45M 614
滑行 Others Classification
67.51M 399
计算机视觉书籍的图像 Art Classification
50.92M 236