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假设测试简介 Earth and Nature Classification
15.89M 220
D.C. 住宅物业 Arts and Entertainment,Real Estate,United States Classification
153.85M 196
QTIM MNIST Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Tabular Data Classification
13.66M 343
土壤传感器测试 Business,Earth Science Classification
0.11M 222
测试土壤传感器 Earth Science Classification
0.11M 619
斯普德联盟 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Games,Video Games Classification
1.97M 229
图像 - ibm Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Software Classification
0.01M 222
讽刺 Arts and Entertainment Classification
59.69M 229
NYC FOIL 报告 - 所有市场已批准 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.05M 234
人力资源分析案例研究 Earth and Nature,Classification,Data Cleaning,Logistic Regression Classification
45.04M 280
因森多哈克马拉松第二 Earth and Nature Classification
19.21M 225
鲨鱼坦克间距 Arts and Entertainment,Animals Classification
0.2M 521
全球温度指数 Earth Science,Atmospheric Science Classification
0M 614
MNIST-手写数字识别问题,用于评估手写数字分类问题的机器学习模型的数据集 MNIST-手写数字识别问题,用于评估手写数字分类问题的机器学习模型的数据集...Earth and Nature Classification
122M 491
历史玩具数据集 Art Classification
1.64M 288
FAT2019 多预处理封装 Earth and Nature,Standardized Testing,Audio Data Classification
8861.68M 556
第 1 代神奇宝贝 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
0.02M 169
堆栈溢出数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Internet,Programming Classification
0M 193
简单形状 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Computer Vision Classification
0.11M 278
裤版滑动板的状况 Arts and Entertainment,Retail and Shopping,Transportation,Image Data,Computer Vision,Rail Transport Classification
7.97M 271