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基辅圣索菲亚教堂涂鸦字形 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Image Data,Art,History Classification
10.52M 535
2016年选结果 Politics Classification
65.44M 275
开放学学习分析数据集,课程、学生和评估数据 I am working on a Learning Analytics Program Evaluation Framework for a doctoral program that takes into account student...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
442.86M 382
星球战电影对话:按场景细分 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.3M 230
加州学默塞德分校 Others Classification
27.57M 238
Google地球中的船舶数据集,显示卫星图像中各种小的船只 I wrote a long winded description for this but somehow it didn't save. I'll get around to re-writing it soon, bu...Business Classification
1.84G 571
都会公有领域艺术作品 Arts and Entertainment,Art,Museums Classification
0M 239
OCP 和麻应变热编码 Others Classification
0.05M 222
斯帕西英语模型 Others Classification
949.15M 223
美国国家海洋和气管理局气候法线 Business,Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
76127.5M 225
全球温度 News,Atmospheric Science Classification
0.19M 199
亚利桑那2018年选结果 Others Classification
40.03M 261
0.16M 242
利亚广播委员会 Computer Science,Government Classification
8.11M 253
脑训练所有 Others Classification
648.28M 403
0.01M 189
安#xE1;多斯- 能源消费 Others Classification
0.05M 258
谁支持加拿#x2019;S 政治家 Economics,Politics Classification
127.61M 396
型板通风 Others Classification
198.67M 523
推特 2012 美国总统 Others Classification
3075.33M 206