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1980年至2013年的加拿移民 Others Classification
0.37M 604
学的汽车研究人员 Education,Health,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 586
0.15M 222
0.12M 250
卡格尔 · 梅卡利品牌 Others Classification
0.04M 233
市场销售数据集 Others Classification
1.33M 280
气中的气体水平、灰尘水平和温度的自然变化数据集 Contains Vostok Ice Core Data for 420,000 Years. The data covers the last 4 ice age cycles. Data can be used to study na...Atmospheric Science Classification
164K 425
格拉斯地卫星 Others Classification
1.06M 279
学统计 Universities and Colleges Classification
0.34M 246
学通用数据集 Earth and Nature,Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
76.59M 619
型电影回顾数据集 Education,Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
229.19M 287
非洲 Computer Science Classification
0.18M 247
查询文件 Business Classification
0.02M 511
数据 Business Classification
0.01M 224
1.4M 302
Universities and Colleges Classification
0.07M 315
星巴克饮料梅努扩 Others Classification
0.03M 259
美国认可的 Education,Health,Universities and Colleges,United States,North America Classification
14.27M 340
名称 在美国和加拿的受欢迎程度 Earth and Nature,Linguistics,Demographics Classification
5.25M 205
美国农业部麦数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by IreneCodeLabReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following fi...Agriculture Classification
415K 614