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预测在线社交媒体数据集中的关键词活动 Fran?ois Kawala (1,2) Ahlame Douzal (1) Eric Gaussier (1) Eustache Diemert (2) Institutions :(1) Université Joseph Four...Computer Classification
13.9M 645
钓鱼网站数据集 Rami Mustafa A Mohammad ( University of Huddersfield, rami.mohammad '@', rami.mustafa.a '@' gm...Computer Classification
112K 784
网上零售数据集 Dr Daqing Chen, Director: Public Analytics group. chend '@', School of Engineering, London South Bank...Business Classification
22.6M 946
NIPS会议论文1987-2015数据集,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文 Data Set Information:数据集采用11463 x 5812字数矩阵的形式,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文(第一列包含单词列表)。每...Computer Clustering
127M 641
报纸和杂志图像分割数据集 Creators: Aleksey Vilkin and Ilia Safonov, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia, Date: 2012Data Set Information:该数据集用于文本、...Computer Classification
391M 687
多社交媒体平台中的新闻流行度数据集 Nuno MonizLIAAD - INESC Tec; Sciences College, University of PortoEmail: nmmoniz '@' inesctec.ptLu?-s TorgoLIAAD...Computer Regression
14.22M 826
新闻聚合器数据集 Data Set Information:News are grouped into clusters that represent pages discussing the same news story. The dataset inc...Computer Classification
27.9M 561
新闻相关部分的互联网息服务器(IIS)日志数据集 David Heckerman (heckerma '@' Set Information:这些数据来自于1999年9月28日(太平洋标准时间)一...Computer Classification
2.25M 721
微博客PCU数据集 数据集被用于探索微博中的垃圾邮件发送者 Jun Liu(liukeen '@', Hao Chen(lechenhao '@' , Mengting Zhan, Jianhong Mi,Yanzha...Computer Classification
5.8M 628
恶意软件静态和动态特征和病毒总数据集 Data Set Information:- staDynBenignLab.csv: 1086 features extracted from 595 files on MS Windows 7 and 8, obtained Progr...Computer Classification
1.7M 648
拉斯维加斯大道数据集 Data Set Information:All the 504 reviews were collected between January and August of 2015.Attribute Information:The dat...Business Classification
59.4K 566
日本贷筛选数据集 Creator: Chiharu SanoDonor: Chiharu Sanocsano '@' bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDUData Set Information:Examples represent posi...Business Classification
13K 716
IPUMS项目是联邦人口普查数据集 Data Set Information:The original source for this data set is the IPUMS project (RugglesSobek, 1997). The IPUMS project...Social N/A
7.97M 602
互联网一般人口统计数据集 Data Set Information:This data comes from a survey conducted by the Graphics and Visualization Unit at Georgia Tech Octo...Computer N/A
261K 865
Internet广告数据集,预测图像是否为广告或非广告 Data Set Information:This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages. The features encode the...Computer Classification
264K 579
国家的标志数据集,可用国旗的颜色来预测该国的宗教 Data Set Information:This data file contains details of various nations and their flags. In this file the fields are sep...N/A Classification
5M 751
Facebook化妆品品牌相关数据集 Created by: S??rgio Moro, Paulo Rita and Bernardo Vala (ISCTE-IUL) @ 2016Data Set Information:The data is related to pos...Business Regression
15.9K 732
Facebook泰国实时卖家数据集 Nassim Dehouche, Mahidol University International College, nassim.deh '@' mahidol.eduData Set Information:The va...Business Clustering
358K 807
Facebook大页面网络数据集 Benedek Rozemberczkibenedek.rozemberczki '@' gmail.comThe University of EdinburghData Set Information:Node featu...Social Classification
1.7M 617
Facebook评论数据集 Data Set Information:The Dataset is uploaded in ZIP format. The dataset contains 5 variants of the dataset, for the deta...Social Regression
18.2M 1093