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COVID 19所有研究论文柠檬酸 Computer Science,Games,Coronavirus,NLP,Text Mining Classification
819.48M 729
Olist提供的巴西电子商务公共数据集 Business,Retail and Shopping,NLP,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Multiclass Classification,E-Commerce Services,Brazil Classification
120.3M 466
女性电子商务服装评论 Business,Earth and Nature,Internet,NLP,Ratings and Reviews,Text Mining Classification
8.09M 703
百思买电子商务NER数据集 NLP,Deep Learning,Linguistics,E-Commerce Services,Research Classification
0.07M 711
航空公司的 Internet,NLP,Linguistics Classification
3.26M 280
整个月的Reddit聊天评论数据 Reddit chat comments of an entire month...NLP,Online Communities,Text Data,Text Mining,Languages Classification
1.65G 657
巴西的科技新闻,数据集包含巴西媒体发布的大约 2720条新闻 This dataset was provided by Miti Inteligência, a company specialized in monitoring news and social media established i...NLP,News,Text Data,Text Mining,Science and Technology Classification
44.47M 331
汽车消费者汽车评级和评论,数据集包含 62 个主要品牌的数据 This is a dataset containing consumer's thought and the star rating of car manufacturer/model/type.Content-Currently...Automobiles and Vehicles,Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
137.62M 809
FakeNewsNet 假新闻研究数据收集,假新闻、虚假息、数据挖掘 This is a repository for an ongoing data collection project for fake news research at ASU. We describe and compare FakeN...NLP,News,Social Science,Social Networks Classification
72.61M 1127
Medium Articles 包含标记为AI、机器学习、数据科学或人工智能的帖子,以及用户 Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartes...NLP,Text Data,Literature Classification
1.8G 407