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ds 工作列出般技能 Others Classification
1K 411
百万个随机生成的 IBA Others Classification
29.98M 144
个图像文件夹的 MNIST1000 Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
2642.42M 291
个人的健康和营养数据 Health,Nutrition Classification
0.03M 239
五下个贝赫德尔数据集 Business,Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.43M 552
s7 v19.苏巴姆·夏尔马桑坦德的下步是什么 Arts and Entertainment,News Classification
6.03M 235
细胞周期实验,分裂 Jurkat 细胞和些线虫的图像数据 Differences in the rates of cellular division and differences in the amount of time spent in each stage of cellular divi...Earth and Nature,Biology Classification
52.28M 691
辛普森家支持图片 Image Data Classification
0.52M 268
Vote1DFC营业额,DF第班次每位候选人的投票数 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Fred NardottoReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents# C...Games Classification
60.9M 404
些国家数据 Others Classification
55.64M 177
具有个热编码目标的虹膜 Others Classification
0.03M 214
法国汽车索赔数据集,预测司机年内提交保险索赔的频率 ContextIn the dataset freMTPL2freq risk features and claim numbers were collected for 677,991 motor third-part liability...Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance Classification
30.07M 916
个任务 Others Classification
135.51M 231
万篇德国新闻文章数据集,10kGNAD基于百万篇文章语料库 10kGNAD数据集旨在作为第一个德国主题分类数据集解决部分问题。它由一家奥地利在线报纸的10273篇德语新闻文章组成,分为9个主题...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Programming,News,Social Science Classification
51.81M 322
百万条新闻标题 Format: CSV ; Single Filepublish_date: Date of publishing for the article in yyyyMMdd formatheadline_text: Text of the h...NLP,News Classification
57.43M 325
个数据集,包含带有条件的评论中的标记和未标记的句子 This dataset was created during my PhD ( at the University of Sevi...NLP,Text Data,Universities and Colleges,Ratings and Reviews Classification
794.68M 628
Virgool数据集,这是套从virgool.io收集的波斯文章数据 This could be a nice tool for Persian writers or bloggers to automatically pick the suggested hashtag or even subject fo...NLP,Education,Software,Literature Classification
58.89M 354
袋话遇上袋爆米花 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP Classification
127.64M 337
体化模型预测文件 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,NLP Classification
13.67M 288
GloVe是种无监督的学习算法 用于获得单词的向量表示 GloVe 是一种无监督学习算法,用于获取单词的向量表示。训练是在来自语料库的聚合全局词-词共现统计数据上执行的,结果表示展示...NLP,Deep Learning,Education Classification
1.5G 715