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lvis:个用于大词汇量实例分割的数据集 计算机视觉的核心目标是赋予算法智能描述图像的能力;目标检测是规范的图像描述任务,这在应用程序中实用性很强,并且可以直接在...Image Search Classification
32.2G 1267
DeepFashion数据集,个大型服装数据集 We contribute DeepFashion database, a large-scale clothes database, which has several appealing properties:1、First, Dee...Fashion 2D Cuboid,2D Keypoints
57.9G 3223
MUSAN 个音乐、语音和噪音记录的语料库 MUSAN is a corpus of music, speech, and noise recordings.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grad...Music Analysis Audio,Classification
18.38G 909
分子生物学(启动子基因序列)数据集,可用于评估种混合学习算法(KBANN) Data Set Information:This dataset has been developed to help evaluate a hybrid learning algorithm (KBANN) that uses exam...Life Classification
5K 651
互联网般人口统计数据集 Data Set Information:This data comes from a survey conducted by the Graphics and Visualization Unit at Georgia Tech Octo...Computer N/A
261K 758
CNNpred:基于CNN的股市预测,使用组不同的变量数据集 Data Set Information:它涵盖了各类技术指标、期货合约、大宗商品价格、全球市场重要指数、美国市场主要公司价格和国债利率的特...CNN,Computer Classification
2.7M 719
形状(正方形和三角形),组用于学习分类器图像的形状数据集 Code UsageYou can create or generate your own shapes withpython3createshape.pyand you can convert those images dataset t...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.17M 915
facens nlp语料库分类 用于FACENS DS 课程的第个 NLP 活动的基础数据集 Passado como dataset para atividade 01 de NLP do curso Ciência de Dados da FACENS.Mantido integralmente no Kaggle, mesm...NLP,Health,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.89M 604
在我们的世界之间:个动画本体 上下文:**链接数据**:“链接的开放数据是指作为开放内容的链接数据。在计算中,链接数据(通常大写为链接数据)是一种发布结构...Anime and Manga,Popular Culture Classification
9.64M 508
个左右 #数据集此数据集由leon在“其他”(在说明中指定)目录下发布创建。它包含以下文件:Version1(22.1 MB)calendar_view_weekone_mo...Others Classification
9.42M 465
斯坦福汽车数据集,Keras ImageGenerator起使用的斯坦福汽车数据集 ContextThis is the Stanford car dataset. The difference is the .zip file contains all the images with this structure: -...Automobiles and Vehicles,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.83G 712
百万个伪随机数字 Literature Classification
1.91M 582
口袋妖怪 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Video Games,Anime and Manga Classification
1150.37M 708
hdda第实验室 Others Classification
1.76M 792
马男波杰克(第季到第五季) Arts and Entertainment,Comics and Animation Classification
0M 392
Jester Jokes数据集 个数据集,包含超过百万行以及每行的评级 这个数据集包含超过一百万个笑话和用户对每个笑话的评分...NLP,Text Data Classification
44.46M 506
我的第 Others Classification
0.06M 807
用于ATP和ITF投注的大型网球数据集,个包含超过200万场网球比赛和博彩数据的数据集 ContextThis dataset contains a large number of tennis matches from ATP and ITF leagues. Specifically, matches are availa...Sports,Tennis Classification
872.81M 774
值得信赖的第个数据 Others Classification
631.92M 420
朵花 Plants,Earth and Nature Classification
1.14M 436