数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I am very much glad to consider this data set as the data consistency and availability of the value in all the rows and columns
Easy to analyse.
Iris flower is considered for EDA
3 different types of Iris flower like Setosa,Verginica,Versicolor is analysed based on 4 features.
The 4 features of Iris flower includes:
1. Sepal Length
2. Sepal Width
3. Petal Length
4. Petal Width
The flower analysis mainly replies on the above 4 features.
Serial No is also included as the first column and flower type as the last column name.
The data is downloaded from kaggle.com.
The (105*6) rows are fully filled with consistent data to avoid data inaccurancy,inconsistency.
This is a great achievement where the original data is available as expected to start the analysis
This is my first research in EDA
I feel to pass a new data to identify which species it belongs to, based on the features.
For that, I need to consider the range for each features and that has to be unique from each other.
I feel to consider the petal's color too as major criteria to differentiate the flower varieties easily.
* I have a question in my mind:*
How to analyse and conclude, if there are any new hybrid variety evolves with random combination of any of the 3 types with new features?
How can we conclude which flower variety the hybrid belongs to, if all the features are represented equally in the hybrid flowers?
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