数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Place de Parking sur Lyon dataset
Data Set Characteristics:
:Number of Instances: 1051
:Number of Attributes: 24 numeric/categorical predictive. Id of all Parking (attribute 25) is usually the index.
:Attribute Information (in order):
- nom Name of the parking
- commune Parking's town
- proprietaire Parking's Owner
- gestionnaire Parking's administrator
- voieentree Parking's street
- voiesortie Parking's street
- avancement Parking's process
- typeparking Parking's type
- situation Parking's status
- parkingtempsreel Parking's real time
-gabarit Parking's height size
-capacite Parking's space
-capacite2rm Parking's space for motorbike
-capacitevelo Parking's space for bicycle
-capaciteautopartage Parking's car sharing
-capacitepmr Parking's space for disabled people wishing
-usage Parking's purpose
-vocation Parking's goal
-reglementation Parking's control
-fermeture Parking's schedule
-fermeture Parking's codetype
-gid Parking's group identifier
-gml_id Parking's optional external group element identifier
-longitude Parking's longitude
-latitude Parking's latitude
:Missing Attribute Values: None
:Creator: OBO Junholv, Intern Data Scientist
This is a derivated copy of GRAND LYON dataset after my cleaning. https://download.data.grandlyon.com/ws/grandlyon/pvopatrimoinevoirie.pvoparking/all.json
I come from Lyon, because of i like this city; i want to created something can promote thought someone who want improve our beautiful city.
"Je viens de lyon, parce-que j'aime cette ville, je voulais créer quelque chose qui pouvait pousser à la reflexion, pour que quelqu'un autre que moi puisse toujours avoir l'idée d'améliorer notre ville."
Data Grand Lyon
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