数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Humpback Whale Fluke Keypoints Dataset
This dataset was created to aid in the https://www.kaggle.com/c/humpback-whale-identification competition. Unfortunately I was not able to find the time to compete seriously so I am releasing it early to help increase the quality of the competition. I truly wish this information is helpful to the community at large.
I was building a new computer to participate in this competition, while waiting for the parts to come in and the proper time to build it, i spent my free time annotating whale fluke images from the training set with keypoints. I was hoping to be able to use these keypoints to better center the whale fluke, and even split a fluke in half to do independent identifications on both halves.
Alas I was unable to seriously compete in the competition but I look forward to seeing what the community can do with this data.
I have hand-annotated 1000 images from the dataset with 10 keypoints over a period of about 2 weeks. They keypoints that I've annotated are:
1: 'left_fluke_tip'
2: 'left_notch',
3: 'center_notch',
4: 'right_notch',
5: 'right_fluke_tip',
6: 'right_fluke_leading',
7: 'right_peduncle_or_water',
8: 'center_peduncle_or_water',
9: 'left_peduncle_or_water',
0: 'left_fluke_leading'
I attempted to be as accurate as reasonably possible. When encountering images where the fluke is partially submerged,
the *or_water keypoints will follow the water line. There are several images where only half of the fluke is visible,
in those cases, only partial keypoints are provided.
* peduncle is the meaty tail stock portion where the fluke narrows to the body. Thought i'd just throw in that vocabulary for fun. :-)
The great Kaggle community at large. All the discussions and knowledge shared has really inspired me! I especially love perusing the post competition writeups, even from competitions that i haven't entered. They are a vast well of knowledge!
Do something great, give back to the community where possible.
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