数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Many variables are included so that algorithms that select or learn weights for
attributes could be tested. However, clearly unrelated attributes were not included;
attributes were picked if there was any plausible connection to crime (N=122), plus
the attribute to be predicted (Per Capita Violent Crimes). The variables included in
the dataset involve the community, such as the percent of the population considered
urban, and the median family income, and involving law enforcement, such as per capita
number of police officers, and percent of officers assigned to drug units.
The per capita violent crimes variable was calculated using population and the sum of
crime variables considered violent crimes in the United States: murder, rape, robbery,
and assault. There was apparently some controversy in some states concerning the
counting of rapes. These resulted in missing values for rape, which resulted in
incorrect values for per capita violent crime. These cities are not included in the
dataset. Many of these omitted communities were from the midwestern USA.
Data is described below based on original values. All numeric data was normalized into
the decimal range 0.00-1.00 using an Unsupervised, equal-interval binning method.
Attributes retain their distribution and skew (hence for example the population
attribute has a mean value of 0.06 because most communities are small). E.g. An
attribute described as 'mean people per household' is actually the normalized (0-1)
version of that value.
The normalization preserves rough ratios of values WITHIN an attribute (e.g. double
the value for double the population within the available precision - except for
extreme values (all values more than 3 SD above the mean are normalized to 1.00; all
values more than 3 SD below the mean are nromalized to 0.00)).
However, the normalization does not preserve relationships between values BETWEEN
attributes (e.g. it would not be meaningful to compare the value for whitePerCap with
the value for blackPerCap for a community)
A limitation was that the LEMAS survey was of the police departments with at least 100
officers, plus a random sample of smaller departments. For our purposes, communities
not found in both census and crime datasets were omitted. Many communities are missing
LEMAS data.
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