数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
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This data is from the [Broward County, FL Sheriff Office records](http://bookingregister.sheriff.org/). This site lists all people who have been booked in their jail, their charges, some demographic data, and the arrest record.
Even though it is public record, I've anonymized the names and addresses in the data. My strong belief is that the issues this data highlights are systemic issues, and no good can come from naming individuals.
I haven't found a data dictionary on any Broward County Website, but below are my interpretations of the fields:
- **name_anonymized**: this is the first 15 characters of the md5 hash of first, middle and last names of the person being booked
- **sex**: the sex of the person being booked
- **race**: the race of the person being booked
- **place_of_birth**: their birthplace, usually state or country name
- **dob**: date of birth
- **home_address_anonymized**: home street adressed, anonymized in same fashion as name
- **state**: state of residence
- **city**: city of residence
- **zip**: home zip code
- **arresting_officer_anonymized**: name of arresting officer, anonymized
- **arrest_agency**: government agency doing the arresting
- **arrest_date**: date of arrest
- **admitted_date**: when they were booked into jail
- **released_date**: when they were released, if known when the data was gathered
- **charge_id**: the statute code or reason code for charge
- **charge**: the title of the charge
- **warrant**: warrant number, if applicable
- **bond_type**: type of bail or bond. Values include ' BD', ' NB', ' NA', ' NC', ' CP', ' RR', ' ', ' AB', ' CB', ' HG',' PB', ' SB', ' SS'. I would love to know what these mean.
- **bond_amt**: the amount of bond requested
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