数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
is one of the most democratic and consumed drinks in the world. Not
without reason, it is perfect for almost every situation, from happy
hour to large wedding parties. If you just think about it, you already
feel like having a beer, you’re not alone.
The truth is that around the world, thousands of people consume the
drink regularly and also in different situations. But have you ever
stopped to think about which countries are the most consuming beer in
the world? The first one that came to your head was Germany? Well, know
that it is not so.
The answer to that question is resounding: the Czech Republic. According
to research by the Japanese beverage company Kirin, the country has
topped the per capita beer drinking table for 23 consecutive years.
In 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the
Czechs drank 142.4 litres per person. That’s the equivalent of 250
pints — or one every 35 hours. But, given that minors are unlikely to be
contributing to that figure, it’s safe to assume that the average beer
drinker probably guzzles quite a bit more.
Snapping at the Czech Republic’s heels are the usual pretenders. Austria
and Germany come third and fourth, Poland sixth and Ireland
seventh.There are some surprises, however. In second place is the
Seychelles, a lofty ranking which we’ll put down to the hot climate and
the large number of holidaymakers.
The data (sample) were collected in São Paulo — Brazil, in a university area, where there are some parties with groups of students from 18 to 28 years of age (average). The dataset used for this activity has 7 attributes, being a Target, with period of one year.
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