数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Artists Lyske Gais and Machteld Aardse made a series of performances in the public space. They take measurements from passers-by who voluntarily participate in the project. The specific measurements taken find their base in Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. According to the proportions formulated there and considered ideal, the span of the arms should exactly match the full height of a person.
The data yielded by these sessions inspire a joint work of art, which are the centrepiece of the exhibition ‘Outer Space’ at gallery 37PK in Haarlem (Netherlands). A work of art that will steadily grow in the course of the exhibition (January 2019), during which new measurements will be made, and new data will be added. The final step of this process is to put this data back in the online database and with that make it publicly accessible.
In exhibition space 37PK, the practices of the Amsterdam-based artist Machteld Aardse and Lyske Gais have met. These two very different artists focus on a shared topic here: the relation between data and man. Data science, big data and algorithms increasingly define the world around us. Does humanity still control this data, or does the data control us?
A review of the work of Lyske Gais can be found: [https://www.blankapesja.com/blog/the-book-body-of-big-data][1]
[1]: https://www.blankapesja.com/blog/the-book-body-of-big-data
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