数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The [AirPi][1] is a great little Raspberry Pi shield kit, capable of recording and uploading various environmental measurements through a set of sensors. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. The closest thing available now is probably the [Oracle Weather Station][2] kit for the Pi.
After monitoring the basement in my old apartment (very stable environment, very boring data set :))) it found its way to the desk of my home office in my new house. A more dynamic environment, where it has been collecting data for some time until I lend the Pi to a friend for a smart meter read-out project. Rather than sitting on that data and trying to find time to make sense of it I figured it would be better to share, and see what we collectively can make of it.
Once the Pi is back I will install the AirPi in the living room, to monitor air quality, hoping to assess the impact of running a fire in the open fire place on contaminant levels, but also to establish the effect of heat accumulation in the conservatory on the living room temperature.
The AirPi contains a number of sensors that record environmental parameters like temperature, light and volume levels and various air quality parameters. See the data description for details on exact set of sensors and units of measurement. The output of the sensors varies from to the actual environmental property we're after to just bare Ohms, depending on the nature of the sensor and the availability of, and consensus on, calibration curves.
See the [AirPi forum][3] for some discussion on the AirPi board and sensor calibration.
Banner and thumbnail photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash. AirPi software based on the excellent work of [Haydn Williams][4].
So...can we detect from the data when I was actually in my home office? Does running the heating system increase air circulation and how would we evidence that? What other correlations can you demonstrate and what do we learn from them?
[1]: http://airpi.es/
[2]: https://www.raspberrypi.org/education/weather-station/
[3]: http://airpi.freeforums.net/board/1/general-board
[4]: https://github.com/haydnw/airpi
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