数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset contains enrollment numbers for every course offered at Harvard during Fall Term 2015.
## The Data
The course enrollment data contains the following fields:
- **COURSE**: the course name (consists of the department/program abbreviation and a course number/letter; the abbreviation and the number/letter are separated by a space)
- **DEPARTMENT**: the abbreviation for this course's department
- **COURSEID**: a unique identifier for the course
- **CLASSNBR**: another unique identifier for the course?
- **TOTALENROLLMENT**: total number of students enrolled, from every school
- **GSAS**: number of students enrolled from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- **HCOL**: number of students enrolled from Harvard College (undergraduate)
- **NONDGR**: number of non-degree-seeking students enrolled
- **VUS**: number of students enrolled from the Visiting Undergraduate Students Program
- **XREG**: number of students from other universities who are cross-registered in the course
**Note** that there is also a row whose **COURSE** value is TOTALS: and whose **DEPARTMENT**, **COURSEID**, and **CLASSNBR** values are empty. This row lists the total number of students from each school (GSAS, HCOL, etc) in all of the courses.
For more info on what each of the courses is, check out the [Harvard Course Catalog](https://courses.harvard.edu/).
## Acknowledgments
All of the data in this dataset comes from [The Harvard Open Data Dataverse](https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/harvardopendata). The specific citation is:
Mehta, Neel, 2016, "Course enrollment stats
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