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# Context
This dataset includes the median list price divided by the square footage of a 1-bedroom home for a select number of neighborhoods around the United States.
# Content
When available, data includes median price per square foot on a monthly basis between January 2010 and September 2016.
Selected neighborhoods include:
* Upper East Side, New York, NY
* Spring Valley, Las Vegas, NV
* Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
* Williamsburg, New York, NY
* Harlem, New York, NY
* Enterprise, Las Vegas,NV
* Downtown, San Jose, CA
* Sheepshead Bay, New York, NY
* Forest Hills, New York, NY
* Jackson Heights, New York, NY
* Gramercy, New York, NY
* Flagami, Miami, FL
* Downtown, Memphis, TN
* Chelsea, New York, NY
* Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX
* Greater Uptown, Houston, TX
* South Loop, Chicago, IL
* Makiki-Lower Punchbowl-Tantalus, Honolulu, HI
* Downtown, Los Angeles, CA
* Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA
* Clinton, New York, NY
* Alexandria West, Alexandria, VA
* Financial District, New York, NY
* Flatiron District, New York, NY
* Landmark-Van Dom, Alexandria, VA
* Flamingo Lummus, Miami Beach, FL
* Winchester, Las Vegas, NV
* Brickell, Miami, FL
* Waikiki, Honolulu, HI
* Back Bay, Boston, MA
* Sutton Place, New York, NY
* and several others
# Inspiration
* What neighborhoods have the most expensive real estate per square foot? Least expensive?
* Which neighborhoods and/or cities have the fastest growth rates in price?
* Are there any neighborhoods that remain relatively steady in price?
* Given that this metric is listing price per square foot, is there a similar dataset that could help you compare median square footage in a 1-bedroom home across neighborhoods?
# Acknowledgement
This dataset is part of Zillow Data, and the original source can be found [here](http://www.zillow.com/research/data/#bulk), under the Neighborhoods link.
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