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戴森安 · 塞蒂候选人 Dr1

戴森安 · 塞蒂候选人 Dr1

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Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Astronomy Classification

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    Context Lists of Gaia DR2 stars that are anomalously dim/bright and whose neighbors have an unusual brightness distribution were produced in two Kaggle kernels. Candidates should be studied further to see if they are unusual in other ways. Their century-long behavior could be key in understanding why they are anomalous. "Dysonian SETI" refers to the search for extraterrestrial astroengineering that noticeably alters a star's brightness. Content The dataset includes CSV lists of Dysonian SETI candidates and ordinary controls. Additionally, century-long photometric observations were obtained from the [DASCH archive]( and put in the *dasch* directory of the dataset. DASCH was searched using its default parameters (APASS input catalog, N >= 1, d <= 5). Star IDs were either of the form "Gaia DR2 ..." or "TYC ..." (a Tycho2 ID). A **dasch_id** column was added to candidate/control CSV files, containing IDs provided by DASCH in the "Catalog Query Results" table. If DASCH gives an error with text "Data for this region is not available" then a value of "None" will be found in the corresponding **dasch_id** cell. The "short" forms of tabular data files (.txt extension) were downloaded from the "DASCH Photometry Data for Catalog Query" page. File names start with "short_" followed by the star ID used in search, and contain the **dasch_id** value as well. In cases where the "Catalog Query Results" table gives multiple matches, the one with more data points was picked. **Note about errors**: If DASCH gives a "Unrecognized Identifier" error message, it could be a temporary glitch. As explained in the search page: "WARNING: The Simbad name resolution service has been intermittently unreliable from this web site. If you experience problems, please retrieve the coordinates directly from the Simbad reflector site." CSV files contained in the dataset are: - **clustered-dim-candidates.csv**: The list of candidates from kernel [Multi-Stellar SETI Candidate Selection Part 2]( Corresponding DASCH files were searched using Tycho2 IDs the week of 9/3/2018. - **clustered-bright-candidates.csv**: The list of candidates from kernel [Multi-Stellar SETI Candidate Selection Part 3]( Corresponding DASCH files were searched using Tycho2 IDs the week of 9/3/2018. - **naive-candidates.csv**: A list of anomalously dim candidates obtained via a simple 3-sigma threshold method in [Version 3 of an early Dysonian SETI kernel]( Corresponding DASCH files were searched using Gaia DR2 IDs the week of 7/9/2018. - **normal-controls.csv**: A list of ordinary stars obtained via random sampling in [Version 3 of an early Dysonian SETI kernel]( Corresponding DASCH files were searched using Gaia DR2 IDs the week of 7/16/2018. ## Acknowledgments This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. ## References Tang, S., Grindlay, J., Los, E., et al. (2013). *Improved Photometry for the DASCH Pipeline*. PASP, 125(929):857–865.



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