数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset for Kenya combines preprocessed data from two data sources to create a rich source of information that can be used to develop a detailed understanding of poverty in the country.
**Demographic & Health Surveys Preprocessed Data**
The dataset contains preprocessed data from the DHS for Kenya. There are five main data files:
1. Household data
2. Household Member data
3. Births data
4. Cluster information
5. Geographic information (shapefile)
The first three files contain all the features required for a complete calculation of the Multidimensional Poverty Index. The household member and births data both contain reference IDs that can be used to join them to a particular household in the household datafile. The cluster file contains information required to link each household to a particular cluster, which in turn can be associated with geographic location information.
For detailed descriptions of the features available, refer to the [DHS Recode Manual][1].
For details on how the preprocessed data was obtained, refer to Part III of my submission for the Kiva Challenge https://www.kaggle.com/taniaj/kiva-crowdfunding-targeting-poverty-sub-nat .
**Financial Inclusion Insights Survey Preprocessed Data**
The dataset also contains preprocessed data from the FII Survey for Kenya. It contains features relevant for developing a financial deprivation indicator, such as whether the respondent has a formal bank account, whether they have formal savings and whether they have access to formal borrowing services.
For detailed descriptions of the features available, refer to the [documentation][2].
For details on how the preprocessed data was obtained, refer to Part IV of my submission for the Kiva Challenge https://www.kaggle.com/taniaj/kiva-crowdfunding-adding-a-financial-dimension .
**Other data**
In addition to the main datafiles, there are a number of "_sjoin" files, which are intermediate steps in my kernel, where a spatial join was run locally and saved to be read back in due partly to sjoin not working on Kaggle servers, partly to save time.
Terms of Use
Please refer to the following pages for the terms of use:
1. [DHS Program Terms of Use][3]
2. [Intermedia Terms of Use][4]
The original data was provided by:
1. [The Demographic & Health Surveys Program][5], [USAID][6]
2. [The Financial Inclusion Insights Program][7], [Intermedia][8]
This dataset was added for use in the [Data Science for Good: Kiva Crowdfunding challenge][9]
[1]: https://dhsprogram.com/publications/publication-dhsg4-dhs-questionnaires-and-manuals.cfm
[2]: http://microdata.worldbank.org/index.php/catalog/2726/study-description
[3]: https://dhsprogram.com/data/terms-of-use.cfm
[4]: http://www.intermedia.org/terms-of-use/
[5]: https://dhsprogram.com/
[6]: https://www.usaid.gov/
[7]: http://finclusion.org/
[8]: http://www.intermedia.org/
[9]: https://www.kaggle.com/kiva/data-science-for-good-kiva-crowdfunding
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