数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Whats this about
Every year people start to summarize the year passed. Movie lovers look for top 10 best movies from top websites and their favorite youtubers. This end of the year (2017) is no different. Here is a compilation of Lists containing Top 10 movies of 2017 from the internet.
How is the data collected
The data is collected from various sources on the internet. There are two files
- Top 10 Movies 2017.csv - This the list of Movie Names Ranked from 10 to 1 and the Source from where they were collected. Some Lists are not Ranked which is mentioned in the column Ordered.
- IMBD Links.csv - This file contains movie names and their associated IMDB link.
Where is the data from
The data is collected from different websites and youtube by using the search keyword "top 10 movies of 2017". All the sources are mentioned in the data file "Top 10 movies 2017.csv" in the "url" column. Movies are only included if the source has only 10 movies in their list, lists containing more than 10 movies are ignored.
Extra bytes
Metacritic has collected different lists and ranked based on those list. This data is not collected from metacritic, however there may be some overlapings
What can we do
- Can data science techniques find the real reasons for a movie to be in top 10 list.
- Does only big budget or famous actors or famous movie crew push the movie to top position
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