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Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data Classification

数据结构 ? 3756.57M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context Hand gesture recognition dataset is presented, composed by a set of near infrared images and skeletal information acquired by the Leap Motion sensor. Content The dataset is composed by 15 different hand-gestures that are performed by 15 different subjects (5 women and 10 men). The dataset is structured as follows: near-infrared (Near infrared images) - /00 (subject with identifier 00) - /test_gesture (hand gesture testing imageries for subject 00) - /02_l (testing samples of hand gesture with identifier 02_l) - /00 (images for sample 00 of hand gesture 02_l) - /00/frame_4312_l.png,...,frame_4459_r.png,... (images that corresponds to one repetition of the L hand gesture performed by the subject with identifier 00) - /02 - ... - /05 - /04_fist_moved - ... - /22_up - /test_pose (hand poses testing imageries for subject 00) - /02_l - ... - /22_up - /train_pose (hand poses trainin imageries for subject 00) - /02_l - ... - /22_up - /01 - /02 - ... - /14 (last subject with identifier 14) skeletal (Skeletal information stored in xml files) - /00 (subject with identifier 00) - /test_gesture (hand gesture testing skeletal information for subject 00) - /02_l (testing samples of hand gesture with identifier 02_l) - /00 (skeletal information for sample 00 of hand gesture 02_l) - /00/frame_4312.xml,...,frame_4459.xml,... (xml files with skeletal information that corresponds to one repetition of the L hand gesture performed by the subject with identifier 00) - /02 - ... - /05 - /04_fist_moved - ... - /22_up - /test_pose (hand poses testing imageries for subject 00) - /02_l - ... - /22_up - /train_pose (hand poses trainin imageries for subject 00) - /02_l - ... - /22_up - /01 - /02 - ... - /14 (last subject with identifier 14) The xml with the skeletal information is structured as follows: Frame (Name for the Leap Motion structure that encloses the skeletal information) - Images (Distinguish between the information obtained by the two infrared cameras of the Leap Motion) - RightImage (Information of the right camera) - Hands (Information of the hands detected by the Leap Motion) - Right (Information of the right hand, left hand is not included as the proposed dataset just uses right hand gestures) - Center (Position of the palm center) - Normal (Normal vector of the palm center) - Direction (Direction to which the palm center is pointing) - Velocity (Velocity of the hand) - SphereCenter (Position of the hand center, considering also the fingers) - Confidence (Indicates if the hand is well detected or not) - PinchStrength (Hand pinch strength) - GrabStrength (Hand grab strength) - SphereRadius (Radius of the sphere defined by the hand with center in SphereCenter) - Fingers (Information of the fingers) - Thumb (Thumb finger information) - Type (Finger type, in this case Thumb) - TipPosition (The instantaneous position in mm from the Leap Motion origin) - TipDirection (The current pointing direction vector) - TipVelocity (The instantaneous velocity) - TippLength (The apparent length of the finger) - dipPosition (dip position) - pipPosition (pip position) - mcpPosition (mcp position) - Index (Index finger information) - Middle (Middle finger information) - Ring (Ring finger information) - Pinky (Pinky finger information) - LeftImage (Information of the left camera)



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