数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Various community members and developers have been interviewing the bast developers we know currently working on Ethereum over the last few months. We have interviewed nearly 100 developers and plan on doing many more.
The aim is to use all this data being gathered to identify the most important developer tools and infrastructure needs our open source community has. We can then fund bounties for teams to actually go out and focus entirely on building the tools and infrastructure the network requires to scale and attract the best talent.
We already have a bounty out to do the analysis and have someone working on the problem, using some awesome tools that are also open source and will hopefully contribute back to the data scientist community in general: https://github.com/status-im/ETHPrize/issues/14
However, if you'd like to dig in for yourself and show us what you got, please go ahead! As this is ongoing there will be many more interviews coming through.
Nearly 100 interviews divided into 14 questions (1 question is quite general and contains several sub questions depending on the domain specific knowledge of the person being interviewed).
Not all interviews get to all questions based on time and connectivity constraints, but most cover a fair number of them.
We wouldn't be here without the help of others. <-- That pretty much says it all.
This is a completely open source, community-led initiative. Apart from a few Status tokens, we're all doing this our of the love of our hearts ;)
I would like to see interactive insights for each question. However, I am most interested in
1. What is causing the biggest frustrations?
2. What tools don't exist right now that can and need to be built?
3. Where are the best educational resources and how did these developers learn what they know?
4. What are the best tools (especially those not often mentioned, and will require some context to identify, people working on it)
5. What are the other great bounties we can create to help the whole community?
- 分享你的想法
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