数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset has attributes for all available weapons in Fortnite: Battle Royale as of patch 2.1.0 or as of January 10th 2018. All credit for this data goes to SoumyDev at http://www.fortnitechests.info/
The dataset features the following columns:
- **Name:** Name of the weapon
- **DPS:** The damage per second of the weapon
- **Damage:** The damage done by the weapon
- **Critical %:** The critical hit chance of the weapon
- **Crit. Damage:** The critical hit damage of the weapon
- **Fire Rate:** The fire rate of the weapon
- **Mag. Size:** The size of the magazine of the weapon
- **Range:** The range of the weapon
- **Durability:** The durability of the weapon
- **Reload Time:** The reload time of the weapon
- **Ammo Cost:** The cost in ammunition to fire a single projectile
- **Impact:** The impact of the weapon i.e. the damage it does to buildings
- **Rarity:** The rarity of the weapon
- **Type:** What type of weapon is in question
In total there are 14 columns with 43 rows or weapons
As mentioned previously, all credit for this data goes to SoumyDev at http://www.fortnitechests.info/
Potential uses for the dataset:
- Find out is some weapon in the game underutilized
- What is the best weapon for different situations?
- Are there different ways to classify weapons than by their type and rarity?
- 分享你的想法
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