数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This file contains the values of the price for more than 1000
different cryptocurrencies (including scams) recorded on daily base, I
decide to include all coins in order to analyze exotic coins and compare
with well knows cryptocurrencies.
All this dataset come from coinmarketcap historical pages, grabbed using just an R script.
Thanks coinmarketcap to making this data available for free (and for every kind of usage).
The dataset
Available columns in the dataset:
Date - the day of recorded values
Open - the opening price (in USD)
High - the highest price (in USD)
Low - the lowest price (in USD)
Close - the closing price (in USD)
Volume - total exchanged volume (in USD)
Market.Cap - the total market capitalization for the coin (in USD)
coin - the name of the coin
Delta - calculated as (Close - Open) / Open
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