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    As the tagline of ‘American Association of Suicidology’ says I strongly believe that suicide prevention is everyone’s business. The act of ending one’s own life stating the reasons to be depression, alcoholism or any other mental disorders for that matter is not a considerable idea keeping in mind that anything can be overcome with reliable help and lifestyle. We can choose to stand together in the face of a society which may often feel like a lonely and disconnected place, and we can choose to make a difference by making lives more livable for those who struggle to cope. Through this project, I am hoping to identify the trends of suicidal rates by country, gender, age and ethnicity. And relate the trends to the possible reasons that leads to the drastic decision, which might help us to curb the thought in the very beginning. What's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make it easy for others to get started by describing how you acquired the data and what time period it represents, too. Data on suicides is deficient for two reasons, first of all, there is a problem with the frequency and reliability of vital registration data in many countries – an issue that undermine the quality of mortality estimates in general, not just suicide. Secondly, there are problems with the accuracy of the official figures made available, since suicide registration is a complicated process involving several responsible authorities with medical and legal concerns. Moreover, the illegality of suicidal behavior in some countries contributes to under reporting and misclassification. I was lucky enough to obtain enough data from different reliable resources. I will be starting off the project with the most reliable datasets available for us on suicide. ?World Health Organization (WHO) dataset which contains entity wise suicide rates, crude suicide rates per gender and country which are age standardized which has a geographical coverage of 198 countries. The time spanning from 1950-2011. ?Samaritans statistics report 2017 including data for 2013-2015, in order to reduce the time, it takes to register deaths, the maximum time between a death and registration is eight days. ?American Association of Suicidology facts and statistics which are categorized by age, gender, region and ethnicity. Inspiration: To visualize the trends and patterns by merging different datasets available regarding the subject matter from different organizations, deriving the major causes for the drastic stride. And also observing the changes in patterns over the years by country, sex and ethnicity Understanding the data: It is always tricky to understand the suicide statistics as they may not be so straight forward as they appear to be. Generally, the rate is per 100,000. It is done this way to adjust the underlying population size. ‘Age-standardized’ rates have been standardized to the world population to increase the confidence while making the comparisons. On the other hand, ‘Crude rates’ have not been standardized like the prior, so they are just the basic calculation of number of deaths divided by the population (x100,000). The size of the population and specific cohort is also to be taken into account as smaller groups often produce less reliable rates per 100,000. When examining the suicide trends over a period of time it is also important to look over a relatively long period. Increases and decreases for a year at a time should not be considered in isolation.



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