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Data Structure ?
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# Context
Pakistan Drone Attacks (2004-2016)
The United States has targeted militants in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas [FATA] and the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [KPK] in Pakistan via its Predator and Reaper drone strikes since year 2004. Pakistan Body Count (www.PakistanBodyCount.org) is the oldest and most accurate running tally of drone strikes in Pakistan. The given database (PakistanDroneAttacks.CSV) has been populated by using majority of the data from Pakistan Body Count, and building up on it by canvassing open source newspapers, media reports, think tank analyses, and personal contacts in media and law enforcement agencies. We provide a count of the people killed and injured in drone strikes, including the ones who died later in hospitals or homes due to injuries caused or aggravated by drone strikes, making it the most authentic source for drone related data in this region.
We will keep releasing the updates every quarter at this page.
# Content
Geography: Pakistan
Time period: 2004-2016
Unit of analysis: Attack
Dataset: The dataset contains detailed information of 397 drone attacks in Pakistan that killed an estimated 3,558 and injured 1,333 people including 2,539 civilians.
Variables: The dataset contains Serial No, Incident Day & Date, Approximate Time of the attack, Specific Location, City, Province, Number of people killed who claimed to be from Al-Qaeeda, Number of people killed who claimed to be from Taliban, minimum and maximum count of foreigners killed, minimum and maximum count of civilians killed, minimum and maximum count of civilians injured, special mention (more details) and comments about the attack, longitude and latitude of the location.
Sources: Unclassified media articles, hospital reports, think tank analysis and reports, and government official press releases.
# Acknowledgements & References
Pakistan Body Count has been leveraged extensively in scholarly publications, reports, media articles and books. The website and the dataset has been collected and curated by the founder Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani.
Users are allowed to use, copy, distribute and cite the dataset as follows: “Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, Pakistan Body Count, Drone Attacks Dataset, Kaggle Dataset Repository, Jan 25, 2017.”
# Past Research
Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani and Hira Bashir, “[The Impact of Drone Strikes in Pakistan”][1], Cost of War Project, Brown University, December 16, 2014
# Inspiration
Some ideas worth exploring:
? How many people got killed and injured per year in last 12 years?
? How many attacks involved killing of actual terrorists from Al-Qaeeda and Taliban?
? How many attacks involved women and children?
? Visualize drone attacks on timeline
? Find out any correlation with number of drone attacks with specific date and time, for example, do we have more drone attacks in September?
? Find out any correlation with drone attacks and major global events (US funding to Pakistan and/or Afghanistan, Friendly talks with terrorist outfits by local or foreign government?)
? The number of drone attacks in Bush Vs Obama tenure?
? The number of drone attacks versus the global increase/decrease in terrorism?
? Correlation between number of drone strikes and suicide bombings in Pakistan
# Questions?
For detailed visit www.PakistanBodyCount.org
Or contact Pakistan Body Count staff at info@pakistanbodycount.org
[1]: http://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2015/The%20Impact%20of%20Drone%20Strikes%20in%20Pakistan.pdf
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