数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset is an adapted version of the 'Historical collections and toys from Deventer Museums' dataset, available on Europeana Curated Datasets (https://pro.europeana.eu/data/deventer-historical-and-toy-museums). A subset of 6000 items was taken and adapted.
The original dataset was provided by the Historical Museum of Deventer (https://museumdewaag.nl/) and the Deventer Toy Museum (http://www.speelgoedmuseumdeventer.nl/). This dataset and the original are available under a CC by-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
The data was adapted in the context of a thesis project at the KU Leuven:
Title: Exploring the use of recommendation techniques in toy museums: a proof of concept and design implications
Author: Jef Scheepers
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Katrien Verbert
Daily Supervisor: Dr. Nyi-Nyi Htun
The main goal of these adaptions was to provide the toys in the dataset with one of these eight thematic labels:
- Building toys
- Family games
- Creative Toys
- Dolls
- Action Figures
- Vehicles
- Media
- Diverse
This was done by parsing the items based on their title with a python script. Lists were made with keywords for each category. If a toy had a certain keyword in its title, it would get the label of that keyword.
ID: A unique identifier for each item. Taken from the Europeana attribute 'id'.
Title: A title describing the item. Taken from the Europeana attribute 'dcTitle'.
Because of unicode problems, letters with special signs had to be swapped (e.g. é becomes e, ? becomes a, …).
All titles are in Dutch.
Date: The year of creation of the item. Available on Europeana as ‘dcDate’ (Dublincore date). The attribute dcDate could
either contain one year (1970), a period (1970-1975) or the same year twice (1970-1970). In any case, the first year was
Image: The url of an image of the item. Taken from the Europeana attribute 'edmPreview'.
Label: The category which the item belonged to. This data was added through a python script, parsing the toys based on
their title. . If the value is ‘none’, the script didn’t recognize the item as a toy, since there are also other kinds of
historical and archaeological objects in the dataset.
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