数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset was created as part of a trypophobia detection in browser project (Github) by Artur Puzio and Grzegorz Uriasz made as part of an internship at deepsense.ai sponsored by The Polish Children's Fund and supervised by Piotr Migdał. An experimental browser extension for Mozilla Firefox is available. You can try it here.
6.5k trypophobia triggering images obtained from:
6k Reddit (/r/trypophobia) - using Prawtimestamps by voussoir, wget and Ripme by 4pr0n
546 Google images (keyword: trypophobia) - using own scrapper
10.5k neutral images obtained from Google images using own scrapper:
10k by supplying it 5k randomly chosen words from this english dictionary and downloading 2 images per word
192 with bushes keyword
181 with grass keyword
98 with forest keyword
All trypophobia triggering images were handchecked by two separate people. only when both agreed they are trypophobia triggering they were included. about 10% of images were removed this way from initial download. All imgaes have been downsized to 256px on shorter edge and then cropped to 256x256.
For unprocessed images please contact: cytadela8@interia.pl
Folder Structure
Images have been divided into 4 folders
- 500 random trypophobia triggering images/valid/norm
- 500 random neutral images/train/trypo
- rest trypophobia triggering images/train/norm
- rest neutral images
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