数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This case requires to develop a customer segmentation to define marketing strategy. The
sample Dataset summarizes the usage behavior of about 9000 active credit card holders during the last 6 months. The file is at a customer level with 18 behavioral variables.
Following is the Data Dictionary for Credit Card dataset :-
**CUST_ID** : Identification of Credit Card holder (Categorical)
**BALANCE** : Balance amount left in their account to make purchases (
**BALANCE_FREQUENCY** : How frequently the Balance is updated, score between 0 and 1 (1 = frequently updated, 0 = not frequently updated)
**PURCHASES** : Amount of purchases made from account
**ONEOFF_PURCHASES** : Maximum purchase amount done in one-go
**INSTALLMENTS_PURCHASES** : Amount of purchase done in installment
**CASH_ADVANCE** : Cash in advance given by the user
**PURCHASES_FREQUENCY** : How frequently the Purchases are being made, score between 0 and 1 (1 = frequently purchased, 0 = not frequently purchased)
**ONEOFFPURCHASESFREQUENCY** : How frequently Purchases are happening in one-go (1 = frequently purchased, 0 = not frequently purchased)
**PURCHASESINSTALLMENTSFREQUENCY** : How frequently purchases in installments are being done (1 = frequently done, 0 = not frequently done)
**CASHADVANCEFREQUENCY** : How frequently the cash in advance being paid
**CASHADVANCETRX** : Number of Transactions made with "Cash in Advanced"
**PURCHASES_TRX** : Numbe of purchase transactions made
**CREDIT_LIMIT** : Limit of Credit Card for user
**PAYMENTS** : Amount of Payment done by user
**MINIMUM_PAYMENTS** : Minimum amount of payments made by user
**PRCFULLPAYMENT** : Percent of full payment paid by user
**TENURE** : Tenure of credit card service for user
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- 3、数据集基本信息来自数据原地址或数据提供方提供的信息,如数据集描述中有描述差异,请以数据原地址或服务商原地址为准。
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