数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The United States Census Bureau conducts annual surveys to assess the finances of elementary and high schools. This data has been programmatically organized here in two files; one for school districts (districts.csv) and one for states (states.csv).
Also included is a summary of data from the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress), contained in naep.csv.
**districts.csv** A comma-separated spreadsheet containing revenues and expenditures for all U.S. school districts, 1992-2016.
STATE,ENROLL,NAME,YRDATA,TOTALREV,TFEDREV,TSTREV,TLOCREV,TOTALEXP,TCURINST,TCURSSVC,TCURONON,TCAPOUT Alabama,9609,AUTAUGA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT,2016,80867,7447,53842,19578,76672,43843,23941,6401,1506 Alabama,30931,BALDWIN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT,2016,338236,23710,145180,169346,299880,164977,97231,19439,9749 Alabama,912,BARBOUR COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT,2016,10116,2342,5434,2340,10070,4907,3896,975,110**states.csv** A comma-separated spreadsheet containing state summaries of revenues and expenditures, organized by year.
STATE,YEAR,ENROLL,TOTAL_REVENUE,FEDERAL_REVENUE,STATE_REVENUE,LOCAL_REVENUE,TOTAL_EXPENDITURE,INSTRUCTION_EXPENDITURE,SUPPORT_SERVICES_EXPENDITURE,OTHER_EXPENDITURE,CAPITAL_OUTLAY_EXPENDITURE Alabama,1992,,2678885,304177,1659028,715680,2653798,1481703,735036,,174053 Alaska,1992,,1049591,106780,720711,222100,972488,498362,350902,,37451 Arizona,1992,,3258079,297888,1369815,1590376,3401580,1435908,1007732,,609114**naep.csv** A comma-seperated spreadsheet containing state performance on mathematics and reading tests, for 4th and 8th grade on a selection of years.
YEAR,STATE,AVG_SCORE,TEST_SUBJECT,TEST_YEAR 2017,Alabama,232.170687741509,Mathematics,4 2017,Alaska,230.456277558902,Mathematics,4 2017,Arizona,234.435788152091,Mathematics,4**Be warned, some data will be NaN's** (most notably, the 1992 records contain no data for enrollment). Data was created from the spreadsheets in elsec.zip (taken from the U.S. Census Bureau site) using chew_data.py and state_summary.py. Column names are documented in school15doc.pdf. Sources https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/school-finances/data/tables.html https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/ndecore/landing Changelog [v 0.2] Added data from 1993-2001. Data is now harvested from the main spreadsheets instead of the summary spreadsheets. Data by school district is now available. [v 0.3] Added 1992 data. Added enrollment data for all years except 1992 (unavailable). [v 0.4] Straightening a few things out as I play with the data in my own kernel. Changed "program_other_expenditure" to "other_expenditure" and fixed chew_data.py to properly pull that information. Removed "non-elsec" funding and "program_current_expenditure" columns. [v 0.5] Added 2016 data. My limited testing says that it worked, but I should probably keep an eye out for possible issues. [v 0.6] Major code refactoring. Changed filenames to be a little more intuitive. Added a main function. Added NAEP data.
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