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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    This dataset was downloaded from the US Department of transport website. This website holds both schedule and actual departure and arrival times. Those events were collected and authenticated by US airline carriers responsible for almost 1% of all domestic scheduled passenger revenues. The office of airline information, bureau of transportation statistics (BTS) collected and summarised the complete details. ---------- URL Source 1. Table 1 Flight dataset information The dataset contains other information such as origin airports and destination airports, flight numbers, cancelled and diverted flights, taxi-in time and taxi out time, and time and distance (RITA, 2017). The data is available in CSV format, separated by comma and spread over the one hundred available attributes from the following: 1. Attributes Name No of Similar Attribute Time- Period 6 Unique carrier: 5 Origin Airport 9 Destination airport 9 Departure performance 9 Diversions and cancellation 3 Summary of flight 6 The delay causes 5 Diverted airport information 45 Table 2 Flight dataset variables information Dataset download The original downloaded file which was in CSV format contained one hundred variables. Among the one hundred variables, this study has utilised 28 variables and the rest of the variables were deleted from the data file. This study has downloaded 12 data files which covered the time from July 2016 till July 2017. The downloading process took around 45 minutes and was downloaded in ZIP format. Each Zip file was 216 MB in size and contains 502458 records. There were one hundred variables in the original file, but this study decided to keep only 28 variables for analysis depending on their importance. A brief description of those variables are as follows: Field Name Type Description Year Integer Year of the flight Month Integer Month of flight Day Integer Day of the flight DayOfWeek Integer Day of the flight Flight_Date text Date of the flight UniqueCarrier text (This code assigns to each individual airline for analysis) Tail_Num text Tail Number of the flight FlightNum text Flight Number Origin_Airport text Origin Airport Origin_City_Name text Origin City Name Origin_State text Origin State Scheduled_Departure Integer Scheduled Departure Departure_Time Integer Departure Time Dep_Delay Integer Departure Delay less than 15 minutes DepDel15 Integer Departure Delay more than 15 minutes Dep_Delay_Groups Integer Departure Delay Groups Arrival_Time Integer Flight Arrival Time Arrival_Delay Integer Flight Arrival Delay Arr_Del_morethan15 Integer Arrival Delay more than 15 minutes Cancelled Integer Flight Cancelled indicator Diverted Integer Flight Diverted indicator Distance Integer Flight Distance DistanceGroup Integer Flight Distance Group Carrier_Delay Integer Carrier Delay WeatherDelay Integer Delay due to Weather NAS_Delay Integer National Air System Delay, in Minutes Security_Delay Integer Security Delay, in Minutes Late_Aircraft_Delay Integer Late Aircraft Delay, in Minutes The following are new variables added in the table below after performing pre-processing. Field Name Type Description Top_Carriers Integer Top Carrier Indicator Top_Origin Integer Top Origin Indicator DEPTIME_GROUP1 text Departure Time Group 1 DEPTIME_GROUP2 tex t Departure Time Group 2 DEPTIME_GROUP3 text Departure Time Group 3



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