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Business,Earth and Nature Classification

数据结构 ? 0.04M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context This data set is a sample for a competition being conducted at IIT - Kanpur. Participants who have registered for this are requested to use this documentation for understanding the sample data set. It consists of 2 .csv file. One is used for training and the other for testing. Due to an increased response for this competition, the deadline for submitting the 2nd report is extended to **1st May 2019.** Please Find updated information for stage 2 below the dataset description. PLEASE NOTE: Keggle may not be updated frequently with information about the competition as it is not the official website for the same. Keep checking your registered mail for updates on the dataset and competition. Content The data set is gathered from a residential hostel room with 3 occupants. The residential hostel room has an AC unit for cooling purposes, a water heater and a washing machine. The Idea is to use the data set to estimate the load ahead in time and optimally schedule it to math comfort and cost requirements due to time varying cost. Hence the data set is created using real-time data from the room for a period of 1 year. However, only 1 month wort of data is currently uploaded. The rest of the data will be uploaded post screening process on 10 April 2019. The data is sampled at a rate of sample/hour and logs power readings from the 3 major equipment listed above. The attributes of the data set are described below: 1.) Date, Month and Year: Used to represent the date, month and year of the data . 2.) Day - This represents the the day of the week with 0 being Monday and 6 being Sunday 3.) Occupancy - Represents the occupancy state of the room 4.) No. Of Occupants - Represents the number of occupants in the room based on student punch card entry 5.) Hour - Represents the hour of the day starting from 0Hrs to 23Hrs. 6.) Temp and Humidity - Are the outdoor temperature and humidity readings 7.) Water Heater, AC and Washing Machine - Represent the status of the appliance under consideration. (1 = ON, 0 = OFF) 8.) Total Power - Total Power consumed by the occupants of the room 9.) PWT, PAC and PWM - Power consumed by Water Heater, AC and Washing Machine respectively. NOTE: The washing machine data is currently not significant for the month of MAY. Hence, candidates are allowed to neglect the attributes related to the washing machine. However, once the complete data set is made available, this attribute becomes significant as well. For Stage 2 of this competition, the students are needed to perform load scheduling on the test dataset for the 1st of June 2018. The time varying cost starting at 0:00 Hrs to 23:00 Hrs is given as a list shown below: Tariff = [10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,12,15,16,21,23,25,25,24,22,17,16,14,11,10,10,10] The tariff is in paisa. In addition, it must be noted that the consumer of this residential plot require their load to be scheduled only between 7:00 Hrs and 21:00 hrs. Loads other that those mentioned in this range are to be neglected for scheduling.



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