数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# What's In The Deep-NLP Dataset?
Sheet_1.csv contains 80 user responses, in the response_text column, to a therapy chatbot. Bot said: 'Describe a time when you have acted as a resource for someone else'. User responded. If a response is 'not flagged', the user can continue talking to the bot. If it is 'flagged', the user is referred to help.
Sheet_2.csv contains 125 resumes, in the resume_text column. Resumes were queried from Indeed.com with keyword 'data scientist', location 'Vermont'. If a resume is 'not flagged', the applicant can submit a modified resume version at a later date. If it is 'flagged', the applicant is invited to interview.
# What Do I Do With This?
Classify new resumes/responses as flagged or not flagged.
There are two sets of data here - resumes and responses. Split the data into a train set and a test set to test the accuracy of your classifier. Bonus points for using the same classifier for both problems.
Good luck.
# Acknowledgements
Thank you to [Parsa Ghaffari][1] (Aylien), without whom these visuals (cover photo is in Parsa Ghaffari's excellent LinkedIn [article][2] on English, Spanish and German postive v. negative sentiment analysis) would not exist.
# There Is A 'deep natural language processing' Kernel. I will update it. I Hope You Find It Useful.
You can use any of the code in that kernel anywhere, on or off Kaggle. Ping me at [@_samputnam][3] for questions.
[1]: http://aylien.com
[2]: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leveraging-deep-learning-multilingual-sentiment-parsa-ghaffari
[3]: http://twitter.com/_samputnam
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