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* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
HuffPost Pollster (originally Pollster.com) aims to report the results of every public poll that claims to provide a representative sample of the population or electorate. We have included polls of varying methodology, including automated or recorded voice telephone polls and online surveys using non-probability internet samples.
As of 2010, we require all polls from a new organization (or one new to us) to meet all of the minimal disclosure requirements of the National Council on Public Polling. We have always excluded polls that fail to disclose survey dates, sample size, and sponsorship; however, we may now choose in our editorial discretion to exclude polls or pollsters that do not provide sufficient methodological information for us or our readers to determine their quality.
# Content
This dataset lists results from public opinion surveys regarding the president's job approval since 2008.
# Acknowledgements
The presidential approval ratings were provided by the organization listed and aggregated by HuffPost Pollster.
# Inspiration
How does public approval of the president change over time? How do current events and presidential responses impact approval ratings? Can you predict how Trump's approval rating will change over the course of his presidency?
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