数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
League of Legends MatchID dataset V2.0
As people who like data analysis , but young enough to still like gaming, we thought that **League of legends** would be a great game to analyze. Due to competitive play some statistics and predictions were quite welcome. There are of course a lot of websites that offer that by them selves, but we think that League community needed an open dataset to work with, as there was none that offered some real volume of data.
There came the idea for a bigger dataset which would offer other people to drive their projects without the struggle of long lasting process of parsing matches with Riot API (which has a limit of 500 calls per 10 minutes...so yea)
This is *NOT* the finished project, but more like a post along the way. The dataset only consists of one column and its basically useless by it self.
The file consists of **223 715 match IDs** of ranked games .
Each column represents the MatchId of a single match played in League, which can be than accessed with [Riot API][1]
The purpose is only to allow others like us, to continue the research with **Riot API** with some pre gathered data and save them some precious time that way.
The final dataset *"League of Legends MatchesDataset V1.0"* we will be posting, consists of *100 000 matches* in JSON which will be directly suitable for data analysis.
**Link to the dataset: WIP**
We are also open sourcing the data gathering program (written in python)
**GitHub link:** [GitHub program][2]
This project has been posted by me (**Lan Vuku?i?**) as data scientist but the main credit goes to lead programmer **Matej Urbas** who is responsible for the data gathering in this project and without whom the project would not exist.
We are happy to give the dataset out for free, to let the comunity use that dataset. We would love to see what people are going to create.
We know that we are "rookies" in that field but would still like to contribute to evergrowing field of data science. So if there is really anything that should be changed in upcoming updates please feel free to message us and tell us your thoughts.
**Contacts : leaguedataset@gmail.com**
Best regards
*League of Legends MatchID dataset V1.0 and League of Legends MatchID dataset V2.0 aren't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends ? Riot Games, Inc.*
[1]: https://developer.riotgames.com/api/methods
[2]: https://github.com/MatejLanPythonProgramming/League-of-Legends-MatchID-dataset-V1.0
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