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任天堂 E3 2018 会议期间的推文

任天堂 E3 2018 会议期间的推文

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Video Games,Data Visualization,Text Mining Classification

数据结构 ? 494.22M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context Data set containing Tweets captured during the **Nintendo E3 2018 Conference**. Content All Twitter APIs that return Tweets provide that data encoded using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). **JSON** is based on key-value pairs, with named attributes and associated values. The JSON file include the following objects and attributes: * **[Tweet](** - Tweets are the basic atomic building block of all things Twitter. The Tweet object has a long list of ‘root-level’ attributes, including fundamental attributes such as `id`, `created_at`, and `text`. Tweet child objects include `user`, `entities`, and `extended_entities.` Tweets that are geo-tagged will have a `place` child object. + **[User](** - Contains public Twitter account metadata and describes the author of the Tweet with attributes as `name`, `description`, `followers_count`, `friends_count`, etc. + **[Entities](** - Provide metadata and additional contextual information about content posted on Twitter. The `entities` section provides arrays of common things included in Tweets: hashtags, user mentions, links, stock tickers (symbols), Twitter polls, and attached media. + **[Extended Entities](** - All Tweets with attached photos, videos and animated GIFs will include an `extended_entities` JSON object. + **[Places](** - Tweets can be associated with a location, generating a Tweet that has been ‘geo-tagged.’ More information [here]( Acknowledgements I used the `filterStream()` function to open a connection to Twitter's Streaming API, using the keywords **#NintendoE3** and **#NintendoDirect**. The capture started on **Tuesday, June 12th 04:00 am UCT** and finished on **Tuesday, June 12th 05:00 am UCT**. Inspiration - Time analysis - Try text mining! - Cross-language differences in Twitter - Use this data to produce a sentiment analysis - Twitter geolocation - Network analysis: graph theory, metrics and properties of the network, community detection, network visualization, etc.



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